Dr.Rajamalar Rajadurai

A quest for knowledge led to a lifetime of friendship.
Sixth July 1971, thirty of us walked through the portals of GDCH Nagpur. We were the pioneer 4th Batch. We ambitiously entered with a thirst for knowledge towards a career in Dentistry. We were rewarded with an eminent teaching faculty and an assorted category of staff, who were part of our training. We had great teachers amongst them. To recollect a few (Apologies if inadvertently not mentioned or deceased-OM NAMA SHIVAAYA) Dr.V.Subramaniam, late S.V.Bhagvat Late.Prof.S.M.Joshi,Dr.K.V.Subbarao, Dr.Mrs Veena Subbarao,, Late Prof.Dudani, Dr.J.N.Khanna late Prof.S.S.Rao, late Prof M.V.Lele, Dr.V.S.Sabne, Prof. B.S.Arya Dr.H.S. Dhooria, Dr.V.J.Maknojia.Fondly remember all the teaching and non-teaching staff at GDCH Nagpur during my undergraduate days. Our professors and teaching faculty educated us on the foundations in the Art and Science of Dentistry. Teaching us the finer skills whilst moulding us into the future graduates in BDS. Preparing us to face the real world and our professional livelihood. Additionally, they played roles as fathers and mothers and friends for us, foreign students thousands of miles away from Malaysia and other countries. Whilst educating us professionally, they also taught us lessons in life. Fifty years on we can with pride say, we are graduated from GDCH Nagpur, Maharastra State, India. In dedicating this tribute to my Alma Mater, I cannot forget my 1971 batchmates and fellow collegemates. They treated me as one of them. Assisting, accommodating, and welcoming me into their homes.My sojourn in India could not have been more memorable.