INTERNAL COMPLAINT COMMITTEE INTERNAL COMPLAINT COMMITTEE Government Dental College and Hospital, Nagpur is committed to provide all teaching, non-teaching staff and students who fall within its jurisdiction a safe and healthy place of work and study, free from sexual harassment, intimidation and exploitation of any kind. As per the guidelines of UGC, NAAC and the Supreme Court, the institute has established Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) for effective enforcement of basic human rights of gender equality and assurance of an environment free of sexual harassment and abuse of any kind. According to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexually determined behaviours including: Physical contact and advances A demand or request for sexual favours Sexually coloured remarks Showing pornography Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature. Sexual harassment at workplace is a violation of women’s right to gender equality, life and liberty. It creates an insecure and hostile work environment, which discourages women’s participation in work, thereby adversely affecting their economic empowerment and the goal of inclusive growth. Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act 2013, is India’s first codified legislation specifically formulated to deal with three specific purposes: Prohibition Prevention and Provision The ICC, GDCH major functions entail: Forceful implementation of the policies relating to the prevention of sexual harassment Strive to resolve complaints by the aggrieved complainant, and Henceforth, recommend actions to be taken by the institute. Functioning of ICC, GDCH: Members of ICC meet quarterly To make the campus safe, free of sexual harassment with zero tolerance To take stock of all complaints of sexual harassment at workplace at GDCH. Redressal of complaints of sexual harassment at GDCH. Awareness programmes for teaching/non-teaching staff/students on gender bias, sexual harassment, women empowerment. Who can file a complaint? Who can file a complaint? Aggrieved woman herself Complainant’s relative, friend, co-worker or any person who has knowledge of the incident (in case of physical incapacity of complainant and with the written consent of the complainant) Any person who has knowledge of the incident with the written consent of the Legal heir (in case of complainant’s death) Complaint contents: Description of incident(s) Relevant date(s) Timing(s) & location(s) Respondent’s name Parties working relationship. Evidence (if any) Complaint timeline: Within 3 months of the incident In case of series of incidents, within 3 months of the last incident Notice to the respondents- within 7 days of receiving a copy of the complaint Completion of enquiry- within 90 days Submission of report- within 10 days of the completion of enquiry . Implementation of recommendation- within 60 days Appeal- within 90 days of the recommendation Redressal: On receiving such complaints appropriate action is taken by the ICC to resolve the issue according to the service rules & regulations governed by Maharashtra Government and Maharashtra University of health sciences. ICC of GDCH Nagpur: Dr. Abhay Datarkar Chairman Dr. Wasundhara Bhad Member Dr. Manjusha Warhadpande Member Dr. Ashita Kalaskar Member Mrs. Jyotsana Patil N.G.O. member Mrs. Abha Chouhan N.G.O. member Mrs. Nandini Nyalewar (Administrative officer) Member Mr. Anil Nimsarkar (Office Superitendent) Member