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February 2022

Dr. Abhay Datarkar

Dr. Abhay Datarkar MDS, DNB, FIBCSOMS FDSRCPS (Glasgow) UKMember Academic Council, Board of studies & Research steering CommitteeMaharashtra University of Health Sciences Nashik.Diplomat of National Boards, New Delhi, India.Stecker’s International Scholar Nationwide Children’s Hospital,Ohio State University, Ohio Columbus. USA.International Board certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon Office: Proff.& Head, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryCentre of Excellence for Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.Residence: 53, Shriansh Pandurang Gawande Nagar,  Pratap Nagar Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 440022


CODE OF CONDUCT CODE OF CONDUCT Government Dental College & Hospital, Nagpur is committed to its motto “Service to humanity” hence, provision of best clinical care to people of central India is of utmost priority. Faculty and students are expected to obey the highest standard of integrity, ethics and honesty and to undertake their responsibilities with diligence and professionalism. They are required to comply with the rules and regulations and dental code of ethics by the governing authorities.  CODE OF CONDUCT FOR DEAN Dean being the head of institute is solely responsible for addressing and resolving all issues concerned with the stakeholders of education   Responsibilities of Dean Authority to take all the necessary actions as and when required to maintain discipline in the institute Shall oversee and monitor the administration of all academic programmes and general administration of the institute to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the overall administrative tasks and assignments Institute programmes for academic competence of faculty members Form various college level committees which are necessary for the development of the institute Administration and supervision of curricular, co-curricular/extra-curricular and student welfare activities Administration and supervision of clinical work for the benefits of patients Responsible for submission of an annual report on the progress achieved in different developmental and collaborative programmes to the various committees and management Provide leadership, direction and co-ordination within the institute and should review the code of conduct periodically CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STAFF DISCIPLINE Faculty members are required to comply to the rules and regulations established by the Government of Maharashtra/institution Contribute to the vision and mission of the institute through engagement of working hours Should report at least 10 minutes prior to commencement of college Faculty must carry their identity card issued by college everyday Faculty members must refrain from any form of harassment or unlawful discrimination based on caste, gender, physical features or disability of any form (mental or physical) Faculty member should not show partiality towards any student All the employees are required to maintain confidentiality regarding college affairs and must not divulge any information directly or indirectly unless compelled to do so by judicial system or instructed to do so by a superior officer in discharge of his/her duties All staffs are responsible for taking reasonable steps to prevent the misuse of or damage to institute’s tangible and intangible assets Non-teaching staff should follow the appropriate dress code.   LEAVES Employees are entitled to casual leave, medical, earned leave and any other leave as per the rules issued by Government of Maharashtra Leave should be availed only after prior information and proper alternate arrangements must be made In case of any emergency, the head of the department or next senior faculty members should be informed   CLASSROOM AND CLINICAL TEACHING Teachers must engage the students for entire allotted duration of lecture Teachers must always motivate the students towards learning and research Individual attention must be given to students during clinical posting Evidence based clinical practice must be encouraged Faculty should motivate the students and bring out the creativity of the students and should make himself/herself available for doubt clearance Apply high moral and ethical standards while carrying out human or animal research Faculty should adopt newer teaching learning methods Institutional Ethics committee’s approval must be sought prior to conducting any research Assisting in developing and mentoring less experienced faculty members All faculty members should encourage interdisciplinary care of patients Deliver patient care, irrespective of social status, caste, creed, or religion of the patient Patient autonomy and confidentiality should be maintained by the oral healthcare providers Ensure excellent treatment and quality assurance in patient care at all times and not get involved into any unethical acts or practices To adhere to good clinical and laboratory practices and protocols of the college To comply with infection control and safety guidelines of the Institution   2.4 CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT Faculty assessment is done in the form of confidential report which assesses the research work, clinical expertise and co-curricular activities of the faculty  CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS 3.1 DISCIPLINE The student must strictly adhere to the rules and regulations laid down by the institution Students must carry the identity card issued by the institution everyday Students must behave in a civilized manner and use appropriate language and should not behave in a manner which mentally or physically disturbs other students The student must follow the academic curriculum and yearly calendar prescribed by the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik (MUHS, Nashik) Any act of indiscipline or notorious activities will attract severe punishment Any case of criminal activity or violation of law and order in the College Campus will be reported to the police Severe action will be taken against students who engage in ragging and it will be based on the directions of Supreme court Students must not enter into any kind of monetary dealings with the teaching non-teaching staff and patient of the institute, nor offer any presents or gratification in any form to them   3.2 ATTENDANCE Undergraduate students need to fulfill a minimum attendance requirement of 75% in theory and 80% in practical as prescribed by MUHS, Nashik Post graduate students need a minimum of 80% attendance as prescribed by MUHS, Nashik Absence from institution due to medical reasons must be supported with a medical certificate and should comply within the 20% permissible leave Postgraduate students are permitted to avail 12 days of casual leave in a year    3.3 DRESS CODE Undergraduate students and Interns should wear formal attire with clean white apron and name plate All staff and student should wear appropriate clinical attire during clinical work Postgraduate students are required to wear scrubs for their duties During clinical posting all UG and PG students are required to wear scrubs   3.4 RAGGING Action will be taken against students indulging in Ragging as per the Directionsof Hon’ble Supreme court of India Student will be suspended/expelled from the institution An FIR will be filed with the local police


INTERNAL COMPLAINT COMMITTEE INTERNAL COMPLAINT COMMITTEE Government Dental College and Hospital, Nagpur is committed to provide all teaching, non-teaching staff and students who fall within its jurisdiction a safe and healthy place of work and study, free from sexual harassment, intimidation and exploitation of any kind. As per the guidelines of UGC, NAAC and the Supreme Court, the institute has established Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) for effective enforcement of basic human rights of gender equality and assurance of an environment free of sexual harassment and abuse of any kind. According to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexually determined behaviours including: Physical contact and advances A demand or request for sexual favours Sexually coloured remarks Showing pornography Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature. Sexual harassment at workplace is a violation of women’s right to gender equality, life and liberty. It creates an insecure and hostile work environment, which discourages women’s participation in work, thereby adversely affecting their economic empowerment and the goal of inclusive growth. Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act 2013, is India’s first codified legislation specifically formulated to deal with three specific purposes: Prohibition Prevention and Provision The ICC, GDCH major functions entail: Forceful implementation of the policies relating to the prevention of sexual harassment Strive to resolve complaints by the aggrieved complainant, and Henceforth, recommend actions to be taken by the institute. Functioning of ICC, GDCH: Members of ICC meet quarterly To make the campus safe, free of sexual harassment with zero tolerance To take stock of all complaints of sexual harassment at workplace at GDCH. Redressal of complaints of sexual harassment at GDCH. Awareness programmes for teaching/non-teaching staff/students on gender bias, sexual harassment, women empowerment. Who can file a complaint? Who can file a complaint? Aggrieved woman herself Complainant’s relative, friend, co-worker or any person who has knowledge of the incident (in case of physical incapacity of complainant and with the written consent of the complainant) Any person who has knowledge of the incident with the written consent of the Legal heir (in case of complainant’s death) Complaint contents: Description of incident(s) Relevant date(s) Timing(s) & location(s) Respondent’s name Parties working relationship. Evidence (if any) Complaint timeline: Within 3 months of the incident In case of series of incidents, within 3 months of the last incident Notice to the respondents- within 7 days of receiving a copy of the complaint Completion of enquiry- within 90 days Submission of report- within 10 days of the completion of enquiry . Implementation of recommendation- within 60 days Appeal- within 90 days of the recommendation Redressal: On receiving such complaints appropriate action is taken by the ICC to resolve the issue according to the service rules & regulations governed by Maharashtra Government and Maharashtra University of health sciences. ICC of GDCH Nagpur: Dr. Abhay Datarkar Chairman Dr. Wasundhara Bhad Member Dr. Manjusha Warhadpande Member Dr. Ashita Kalaskar Member Mrs. Jyotsana Patil N.G.O. member Mrs. Abha Chouhan N.G.O. member Mrs. Nandini Nyalewar (Administrative officer) Member Mr. Anil Nimsarkar (Office Superitendent) Member

Inauguration of The READING ROOM

Events Inauguration of The READING ROOM On auspicious occasion of VASANT PANCHAMI, Boys and Girls Hostel Committee of Government Dental college and Hospital Nagpur has inaugurated The READING ROOM by the Hands of Dr Manjusha Warhadpande and Dr Wasundhara Bhad Mam in the presence of Hon. Dean Dr. Abhay Datarkar and all the Heads of Department, staff and students. On this inauguration, the Dean sir shared his memories of hostel stay and enlightened the need and importance of reading room to all the students. He thanked Dr. Darshan Dakshindas for his kind donation of Table Tennis Table to Boy’s Hostel. He appraised the Hostel Committee members, Dr. Damayanti Walke, Dr. Shubha Hegde, Dr. Rakesh Bahadure and Dr. Suryakant Deogade along with hostel boys and girls for putting their efforts towards this inauguration.

Reading room inauguration at GDC Girls Hostel

Events Reading room inauguration at GDC Girls Hostel Government Dental College Girls’ Hostel is proud to have inaugurated a renovated Reading Room on 5/2/2022. Respected Dean, Dr. Abhay Datarkar, Dr Manjusha Warhadpande, (Chairperson of Hostel Managemnt committee) Dr Shubha Hegde and Dr Damayanti Walkey (Girls Hostel incharges) inaugurated the room in the presence of all HODs, staff and students. This much needed addition to the hostel was heartily applauded by all the residents of Girls’hostel. The spacious room, equipped with reading tables, chairs and cupboards has a welcome vibe to it due to the personal touch added by its very own enthusiastic residents. The program was very well conducted by Miss Dhanashri Bundhade (3rd BDS) 

Oral Health Day organized at GDCH Nagpur

Events Oral Health Day On the occasion of Oral Health Day Department of Public Health Dentistry of Government Dental college Nagpur organised “Public Oral Health Awareness Campaign”. Oral health awareness exhibition in which posters, models and videos were displayed in the college premisses. The aim of the exhibition was to make people aware of the importance of healthy mouth, they were also educated about methods to keep their mouth healthy. On this occasion Department of Periodontology released one of the proposed 75 e-poster under the program “ Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav”. The posters will be displayed in hospital and various online portals of the institute. The e-poster titled “Periodontal Diseases and Its Effect on General Health” was released by Dr. Abhay Datarkar Dean Government Dental College and Hospital Nagpur. He appreciated the auspiciousness of the day as it coincided with Vasant Panchami and elaborated all other programs organised on 5th February by the institute. All heads of the Departments, staff, and students attended the program. Dr Mangesh Phadnaik Head of Department Periodontology emphasised on importance of public awareness of oral health to reduce oral health burden. He also Enlighted the audience about the Importance and origin of oral health day. Yashwantrao Chauhan the 1st chief minister of Maharashtra and 5th deputy prime minister felt the need to dedicate a day for oral health awareness in 1980s. Hence 5th February was designated as Oral Health Day in Maharashtra. The program was organised under the guidance of Dr. Sachin Khatri Associate Professor and Head Department of Public Health Dentistry.  Dr. Shilpa Warhekar, conducted the program. Dr. Noopur Kokane, Dr. Aniket Dhote, played a vital role in making the program successful

Inauguration of HERBAL GARDEN

Events Inauguration of HERBAL GARDEN On auspicious occasion of VASANT PANCHAMI, NSS unit of Government Dental college and Hospital Nagpur has Established and inaugurated HERBAL GARDEN The Herbs for Healing by the Hands of Hon. Dean Dr. Abhay Datarkar and in presence of all the Heads of Department, staff and students. 

Cancer awareness program organized at GDCH Nagpur

Events Cancer awareness program organized at GDCH Nagpur On the occasion of World Cancer Day department of public health dentistry jointly with the Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, GDCH Nagpur organized all day long cancer awareness programs with the theme “CLOSE THE GAP”. A cancer awareness exhibition was displayed for the patients and general public on the premises of the college.  Pamphlets on “self-mouth examinations of oral precancer and cancer” were also released. Patients were made aware of cancer-causing agents, and the ill effects of tobacco consumption and an unhealthy lifestyle. Dr. Abhay Datarkar, Dean, GDCH Nagpur inaugurated the program, in presence of all Heads of the Departments, staff, and students. Along with that, a webinar was organized with the agenda of empowering the students to provide better care for cancer patients. Renowned speakers were part of the webinar which included Dr. Swapnil Agrawal, Dr. Nikhil Pande, Vivek Kirpekar, DR. Sarita Kothari The program educated and encouraged the students to close the care gap for cancer patients. 

International Continuing Dental Education Programme

Events International Continuing Dental Education Programme Indian Dental Association, Nagpur branch and Dept of Prosthodontics ,Govt Dental College and Hospital, Nagpur organized International Continuing Dental Education Programme on the topic ‘Mastering the Art of Crowns and Bridges’ on 29 January 2022. Professor.Dr.Seow Liang Lin, Dean-School Of Dentistry , International Medical University,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia was the guest speaker. The programme was moderated by Dean Dr Abhay Datarkar and Professor Dr Arun Khalikar.Dr Vaibhav Karemore- President IDA Nagpur branch ,Dr Poonam Hudiya- Secretary,Dr Vivek Thombre – Treasurer and Dr Mitul Mishra – Rep. To CDE worked very hard for the success of the programme. The programme was attended by Dr Phadnaik,Dr Bhad,Dr Warhadpande,Dr Suryakant Deogade,Dr Ingole and Postgraduate Students from Dept of Prosthodontics and Dept of Periodontics attended the programme.