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Student Council GDC

Student's Council of GDCH, Nagpur

Student’s Council Conducts its activities related to student welfare and student representation in academic and administrative bodies committees of the Institution. Students have an active representation on various academic and administrative bodies as well as committees of the Government Dental College and Hospital, Nagpur. Student council being the core body for the representation of various in charges for the activities which are to be conducted in the institution all throughout the year. Student Council consist of General Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer, Cultural secretary, Scientific secretary, Sports secretary, Magazine Secretary, Ladies Secretary, Decoration Secretary, Hospitality Secretary, Representative for National Cadet Corps, Representative for National Service Scheme all of which are elected from students of third year.

Student Council also has representation of students elected from first, second, third, fourth year and Interns as well. The above activities enhance their communication skills, management skills, leadership skills, team-work, time-management, resource management skills and builds confidence in each student.