On auspicious occasion of Guru purnima and 55th foundation day of Government Dental College and Hospital Nagpur blood donation camp was organised in the memory of late Dr.Hoosen Hafejee by NSS unit of GDCH NAGPUR.
A Huge Total of 40 blood donations were collected by blood bank GMCH NAGPUR.
The gethering was addressed by Dean Dr.Abhay Datarkar and motivated by Dr. Pradeep Bulate , Incharged blood bank.
Dr. Manjusha Warhadpande and All HODs , staff & students graced the occasion.
Most of staff including Dr.akshay , Dr. Shubhangi, Dr. Parag, Dr. Archana , Dr. Niharika, Dr. Sulekha, Dr. Rathod, Dr.madhura and All the students Donated blood.
Program was conducted by NSS incharge Dr. Yogesh Rathod & vote of thanks was given by Dr. Sachin khatri.