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Oral Medicine and Radiology

Oral Medicine and Radiology department of Government Dental College and Hospital, Nagpur, is the specialty of Dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, preliminary investigations and medical management of oral and dental diseases, oral manifestations of systemic diseases and dental management of medically compromised patients.
Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology part of the subject deals with the conventional and advanced imaging of craniofacial, dental and adjacent structures, its interpretation and diagnosis.
Since the inception of the Institute in 1965, Oral Medicine and Radiology department had been instrumental in providing services to the central India population visiting the OPD in large numbers on daily bases. The department underwent development, not only in terms of
infrastructure and faculty recruitment, but also in terms of getting well-equipped with state-of- the-art facilities including Intraoral and Extraoral Dental X-ray units, Radiovisiography (RVG), Digital Panoramic imaging machine, VELSCOPE, Cone Beam Computed Tomography(CBCT) and Ultrasonography (USG) machines.
The Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology has a significant diversity in curricular responsibility which is reflected in our day to day teaching and learning sessions. Students learn through lectures which are supplemented with clinical posting and demonstrations, seminars, videos and clinical exposures. Students at the department are consistently provided with opportunities to upgrade their clinical knowledge and develop skills that make them best Dental diagnostician, qualified for higher education or develop them as a strong clinician. By imparting innovative educational facilities, the department strives to promote and motivate greater number of students to carry out research.

Undergraduate & Postgraduate students are trained in this discipline to diagnose and provide medicinal management to various pathologies involving maxillofacial areas like oral mucosal diseases, salivary gland disorders, precancerous and cancerous lesions, complications of cancer therapy, orofacial pain disorders including temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and neurosensory and motor disorders. Students are also trained to provide dental care for patients with complicating medical disease and manage oral complications of systemic illnesses. In the context of investigative procedures, apart from craniofacial imaging by conventional imaging, the department also utilizes advanced imaging procedure mainly CBCT for pathologies involving hard tissue and USG for pathologies involving soft tissues. Additionally the department caters to the investigative needs of precancerous lesions with the utility of Vx Enhanced Oral Assessment System (VELSCOPE) for cancer detection apart from routine clinical and staining procedures. Apart from these the department also specializes and trains in tobacco cessation and orofacial pain management.
The department’s strength is our esteemed faculties. The teaching faculties, apart from being engaged in exploring all possible teaching – learning methods, are actively engaged in research with papers published in National/International conference proceedings/Journals every year. They have underwent faculty development programmes regularly, specialized training in Cone Beam Computed Tomography, TMDs management and Oral Cancer Diagnosis. Various CDE programmes and workshops are being conducted every year to benefit students and faculties. With the capability of handling more than 200 patients daily, the department works to deliver the highest quality of patients care. Showing compassion, respect and dignity towards those who serve, helps promote team work and accountability among the departmental staff, while earning the respect of other peers in the dental care.
We seek to achieve service excellence in providing quality dental care services to patients and aspire to seek standards for excellence in inculcating professional skills in students.

  • To excel in patient care, professional education and research.
  • To provide early and accurate diagnosis and medicinal treatment with the help of  advanced methods to patients from all sections of society.


  • To provide state of art professional education and training to students, from basic to advance, incorporating newer methods of teaching and learning.


  • Nurturing research to provide evidence based diagnosis and treatment planning

The department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, GDCH, Nagpur has following plans for future:

  • Academic wise the department aims to increase the number of seats for Postgraduation (2 to 3), start fellowship course in Imaging in Dentistry and PhD course. This will encourage numerous research in this field of dentistry, ultimately benefitting the patient oral care.
  • Oral medicine department plans to be equipped with advanced chairside or other diagnostic and therapeutic modalities to enable quick diagnosis and fast treatment delivery to the ever increasing oral health care of the patients.  Examples are, electromyography machine, deep heat therapy equipments like ultrasonography machine and TENS, biofeedback machines and LASER therapy. In this regards, the department plans to develop “Orofacial pain clinic” to meet the specific treatment needs of chronic pain patients.
  • The department plans to provide evidence based newer drugs for oral mucosal lesions and newer drug delivery system in the form of trials conducted in the department.
  • The ongoing “Tobbaco Cessation centre”, could be further developed by procuring breath analyzer and incorporating newer methods of counseling , assurance and management.
  • The radiology department plans to be equipped with multiple advanced digital radiography machines for intraoral as well as extraoral radiographic needs of the patients referred by other departments of the institute.
  • Procurement of Advanced 3D imaging CBCT with full FOV suitable for imaging all types of pathologies, enabling early and accurate diagnosis for better treatment options.
  • Departmental faculties as well as students could undergo research on various current issues pertaining to oral medicinal therapy, diagnosis and radiology.
  • Newer teaching- learning methods and modules could be developed to encourage deep learning by the students.
  • Attending and conducting regular CDEs / workshops / conferences for the faculties and student upliftment.

Oral Medicine:

Oral Medicine specialty is concerned with the oral health care of patients and with the diagnosis and pharmacological management of disorders or conditions affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions. The services provided by the department in this regards are as follows:

  • Diagnosis of routine dental diseases


  • Screening and counseling for de-addiction of tobacco and betelnut for which the department is equipped with tobacco cessation centre.


  • Diagnosis and management of various oral mucosal diseases, oral potentially malignant
    disorders, salivary gland diseases, autoimmune disorders, pigmented lesions of the oral mucosa.


  • Screening and diagnosis of malignancies of head and neck region.


  • Management of complications of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


  • Management of temporomandibular joint disorders and other orofacial pain conditions.


  • Management of psychosomatic disorders and neurological diseases affecting jaws and mouth.


  • Diagnosis and pharmacological management of oral manifestations of systemic diseases.


Oral Radiology:

Oral Radiology specialty deals with the production and interpretations of the images and data produced by all modalities of radiant energy that are used for the diagnosis of disorders or conditions affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions. The services provided by the department in this regards are as follows:

  • Intraoral radiography including Intra Oral Periapical , Bitewing and Occlusal projections.


  • Extraoral radiography including digital OPG, lateral cephalograhy and various skull projections
    like postero-anterior (PA), antero-posterior (AP), lateral skull views.


  • Digital imaging: Radiovisiography.


  • Advanced imaging: Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and Ultrasonography (USG).